Position: Barn/Stable Management
Welcome to the CWH Internship Program and thank you for your interest in applying to join our Stable Management team. During this working student opportunity, those accepted will be learning on the job and gaining the ‘real life’ experience every job application requires. This opportunity provides the hands on experience we know everyone should have whether you are headed to train horses for a living or manage a non-profit. Having knowledge of how a stable, the horses, clients and employees are managed is a key foundational piece in one’s career in the equine industry. This position is hands on with the horses and heavily geared towards the management of a stable, one that is home to high-level performance horses of international interest. Those considering applying must have a willingness and hunger to learn, ability to listen and follow instructions as well as have the initiative to take responsibility and pride in their work. The CWH team is here to help you learn, but not hold your hand throughout the duration of your time as a working student. We expect those applying to have a self-motivated and ‘go get it’ type attitude that are capable of working independently as well as within a team.
This position consists of some of the most important duties and responsibilities there are on a horse farm. The care of the horses is of the utmost importance and is truly something we should be proud of at the end of the day when the job is done well. Here at CWH, we are dedicated to Educating Horses and People with a Lifetime in Mind. What we do is provide a valuable service to all of our clients whether that is through our clinics, training horses, online educational content and much more. However, at the core of it, are our how and our why. Our how and why are the foundation for what we do every day. You’ll come to find out that what we do comes with technique and reasoning. This enables us to continually search for better ways to serve both the horse and human.
Below is detailed information regarding the skills, duties, responsibilities and application process for the Barn/Stable Management position. Again, we appreciate your consideration for our Internship Program and wish you the best of success on all your endeavors!

Helpful Skillsets for the Success of the Work Student:
Detail Oriented
Self Awareness
Clearly & Concisely Communicate in person
Ability to Work Independently and Together as a Team
Desire to Learn
Capable of listening and thoroughly following instructions
Drive to problem solve situations and see job through until it is completed
Duties and Responsibilities to include but not limited to:
Bring In & Turn Out Horses
Feeding & Watering
Picking Horse’s Feet Out
Grooming & Bathing Horses
Cleaning Stalls
Assisting Veterinarian & Farrier with Horses
Maintaining a Clean Work Space
Repair/Build Fence
Filling & Maintaining Clean Water Troughs
Additional Requirements:
Be 18 years of age
Have valid drivers license and reliable transportation
Be able to Lift 50lbs repeatedly
Schedule Outline:
Working students will work together to create a weekly and monthly schedule to coordinate whom will be working which shifts to ensure all duties and responsibilities are taken care of each day. Every day morning responsibilities start no later than 7:00am. In the evenings we typically finish around 6:00pm. Evening turn out is usually what holds It has been accounted for that some working students may only be available for 4-hour periods. With this in mind, the outlined duties and responsibilities can be taken care of easily within morning and afternoon/evening shifts. The afternoon hours that lay in between may need to be filled based on the number of horses in the barn and responsibilities that must be tended to.
In lieu of your desire to join the CWH team as a workingstudent we want to emphasize our dedication and willingness to help you succeed. Working Student positions were what helped build the foundation to what CWH is today and we want to make sure you have the opportunity to learn those same skills and knowledge that we did. Your time as a working student is not just going through the motions and getting daily chores done, each day is an opportunity to practice, learn and get better at some of the most important, practical and needed skills in the industry. As a team we are here to help you succeed. We are here to help you learn, grow, connect and set you up for that next step in your career whether it is with us here at CWH or somewhere else. From sharing our knowledge and fostering learning experiences to opening our doors to the network of professionals we have developed, the compensation for our working students is not money in the bank today, but it is endless possibility for tomorrow.
How does the process work?
1. Once your entire application has been received and CWH has been able to review all information requested and provided, we will be in touch. Replies to each applicant will be sent out within 1 to 2 weeks following our final date of accepting internship applications. We are more than happy to and will do our best to work with your internship programs if you need credit for a university course of study.
2. Those selected for a face-to-face interview will be scheduled for a brief 30-minute meeting with CWH so you and us can get to know each other a bit better. One can expect to discuss previous experiences, goals and current happenings with one’s career.
3. CWH will reach out to each applicant following the first round of interviews.
4. Selected individuals will have the opportunity to begin the trial portion of their Working Student opportunity. This will take place over the course of 2 weeks where you will be introduced to the horses, tasks to be completed and how and why they are to be done they way they are. Colton will work with each of you to help you get acquainted.
5. Following the 2-week trial period, final decisions will be made and each remaining applicant will be contacted. Those accepted to officially start their working student position will begin immediately according to the calendar and agreed upon days for each student.